Empowering women to become better investors through education and community

Gathering Dynamic Women

We bring together women who are curious, supportive and dynamic. We are women who practice and foster an abundance mindset. We are women who share in the joy of life long learning and building respectful, inspired community.

Invite Only and Highly Curated Through Member Referrals

We are a high net worth community based on trust, respect and solicitation-free spaces. Together we are focused on building a more inclusive economy by putting more money and knowledge in the hands of women and allies. Standby as we are developing an online curriculum and resources accessible to everyone.


Building an inclusive economy starts with you. Join us for a one-year dynamic, accessible, and flexible series of courses educating women on the universe of financial investments. Local chapters meet in person once a month during the academic year. Sessions are available over Zoom and on-demand for later viewing. 


High-level and curated sessions to address investment topics beyond traditional asset classes taught by investors, leaders and experts in their fields.


A members-only investment community made by women for women and allies; building wealth together through shared knowledge, networks, and access to individual and collective investing in alternative market opportunities.


We align efforts, raise awareness and allocate capital that will accelerate progress towards an inclusive economy.

Past Educators and Speakers